Welcome to the Birth
of the New Light Body!

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Welcome to New Light Body

New Light Body is a spiritual unfoldment whose time has arrived for many children of the light. It is being born within you as the sacred joining of spirit and matter.

Every cell of your body is now being transformed by incoming energies of light, and a new adaptation is needed for this new arrival which is taking place on the Earth as well.

Our website and newsletter offer a place for sharing experiences in relation to this transition, so that a worldwide consciousness may develop and be supported as the New Earth comes into being.

Light Body Guidance and Support

Are you having unusual, unexplainable energy experiences or body symptoms that have no medical explanation? Do you feel your consciousness changing? Are you noticing an upsurge of old chronic physical symptoms that you thought were gone? Are you experiencing sudden and accelerated changes in your relationships, and in your communication with loved ones?

The greater spiritual light now present on the Earth is creating new experiences for us all. We now have the opportunity now to live life in a way that is much more integrated with our spiritual selves. No longer is there a daily life that is separate from spiritual life. Our lives are changing rapidly, how do we manage?

New Light Body was created to share information, spiritual guidance and support to all those who are experiencing transformation in our daily lives, our relationships and our physical and energy bodies. Together we can navigate these changes so we can more gracefully make this transition into the higher vibrational energy field that is manifesting on the Earth.

I hope you will join in and let us know what you are experiencing during this time of challenge and transformation. If you would like to stay in touch, please join our mailing list, which will update you with the latest new information on our site, and will also provide you with opportunities to share and connect with others.

Copyright© 2008 - 2024 by World Blessings Inc. and NewLightBody.org

World Blessings Inc. is a 501 (3c) non-profit educational organization.