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A Feeling of Anticipation?

by Madison

Hello, my name is Madison and lately I have been having an indescribable feeling. The best way to put it is a feeling of anxiousness and anticipation. Often, when I am sitting in class at school listening to lectures, I will feel like something is supposed to happen, but all of a sudden doesn't. Like someone is supposed to say or is saying something, then disappears or as if there's an emptiness about to be filled then suddenly isn't. And this feeling is always to the left of me.

At first I thought it might be the feng shui of the classroom. The door and entire class is to the left of me as well as the only light source, but lately It's been occuring in other locations. I thought I might be energy sensitive. Maybe someone around me is giving off an energy causing this. I don't know much about auras, etc. If you have any thoughts about this please share. Links, research, etc. I'd love to read it. I was annoyed by this feeling but now I would rather understand and fix it rather than feeling annoyed and unbalanced.

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Jan 03, 2015
dimension shifting?
by: Anonymous

Perhaps you are becoming aware of other dimensions. Just try to breathe into the anxiousness and just observe the situation, and don't let your mind get too tangled up in it. If you are starting to notice yourself blipping into other dimensions, it is likely far too confusing for the mind to understand yet anyway. Just surrender to it and fully be in the moment with no judgment. Good luck!

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