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energy sensitivity

by melanie

thank u ever so much for finally explaining this to me. i'm not a healer and not physic but when i was younger a lady told me i had healing hands which i have always believed but recently i've been experiencing problems with energy fields and its causing havoc to my personal life for example i get terrified of going to places and talking to people which are new to me because i can be concentrating on a conversation and suddenly go lightheaded and fuzzy and it causes me to panic and i'll fiddle with my jewelery and feel i need to run away and sit by myself for a while. while i was reading this i was nodding to most of it because now i know what it is but you mention about clearing the house but how can i protect myself from people draining my energy field and picking up the immense fields off other people?

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May 16, 2010
by: melanie

i will def look into crystals i wear jade which grounds me n stops my anxiety but ill have a look.
i just panic when i sense it coming along so ill try and practise to control it.
im bit confused by the psychological side how did u mean?

May 12, 2010
Creative visualization exercises..
by: Anonymous

I find that if I stop myself from thinking of my situation... it tends to help...need practice though (thought control),short term solution. I reckon a few exercises in creative visualization will help. Picture yourself interacting with someone... and see yourself calm and connected and protected... visualization is a very powerful tool.. do a bit of research on the various topics and books... also check out crystals...

ps need to also look a the psychological side of things...?

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