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inner trembling

by kathy m
(john day, OR)

inner trembling almost every night. Can feel in my body but not on outside. Have had this for eight years sometime not so bad but lately its been waking me up and then I get anxiety that I think something is drastically wrong

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Apr 03, 2012
by: Anonymous

You guys are lucky. This is probably a good thing. I've only recently become aware of these experiences.

If you intentionally raise your vibration while maxing it out, you'll start to feel these trembling or vibrating feelings. It also happens after sexual stimulation, because dense energy is really flowing through you(that is if you can control it).

Most likely your body is just calibrating to higher forms of light, but it's really cool that you guys can feel these things naturally without doing anything.

Mar 30, 2012
by: Anonymous

Have noticed over the last several years that I too have noticed a vibration coming from within me. I mostly notice this at night when I am in my bed and leaning against headboard. This is when I notice the headboard is lightly hitting the wall.
Most recently I have been on this quest with a thirst for knowledge (getting to be an obsession)....actually for TRUTH which we all find to be the more research keeps coming back that everything is not what I was led to illusion of what (they) want us to believe. THE WAKE UP CALL IS LONG OVER DUE

Mar 22, 2012
Body vibrating
by: Anonymous

I too have had this happen to me...
Its been going on for about seven years now
and I notice it happening mostly at night while in bed...
I remember it happening a few years back while I was sleeping ...I woke up thinking we were having an earthquake...and then I realized it was me who causing the bed to shake...LOL...

Mar 14, 2012
trembling inside
by: Anonymous

Hi, I too have had the trembling on and off for years, but this last month or so it has been more noticeable. It feels more like vibrating from inside than trembling on the outside. I woke up the other night from a dream feeling like I was inside a spaceship that was taking off. Strong vibrating from the inside out. I think it's more of the re-calibrating to the new energies, not worried too much with all the other things that have showed themselves to be simply readjustments to my earth body.

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