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Its a new me spirit

by Cathy
(Harper Woods Mi. USA)

How can one feel the new light body and feel this earthly heaviness.. with eyes wide open and facing upward. I keep being reminded its a journey and sometimes its up hill and sometimes its a downhill runaway train ride. I haven't decided which is better or worse but i know i have to be ever present or i will miss the ride of my life. Peace to all who travel with me and on the same road.

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Aug 16, 2009
And Peace to You Cathy!
by: Akasa WolfSong

Peace to You Dear Heart!

Everyday I have to remind myself that I am a Spiritual Being on a Human Journey...and yes, some days are better than others. What serves me well is writing my own little mantras to repeat over and over again throughout my day as I strive to accomplish what I came here to do as well as live on this Earthly Plain...
As of late I have been repeating the mantra of "I am Happy, Healthy and Whole and filled with Joy, Joy, Joy...
My belief in the power of repeating these mantras over and over helps to sustain me in times of quandry, angst, fear, and all other arrows which may be shooting my way. Do I stumble on the hidden pebble along the way? Yes! But the greater part is that I can pick myself up and begin again..each breath that we breath is spiritual...and Mother/Father God are always there to speak with, walk with, and be with at any one moment...
I know you know these things...but I wanted to send you Peace and hopefully this little portion will have helped. You are Divine Love in Action Dear Heart...claim it for your own!
Many, many blessings to you!
In Divine Love,
Akasa WolfSong

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