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Light Body Experiences - Not in the 3rd/4th Dimension

by Sydney Lynn Lok

Well, I woke up this morning and I realized I am no longer in the place my body was born. I'm not tired and I'm not revved up.
I'm floating and feel like a pretty big group of light molecules! I know, it sounds bubbly. And I'm slowly getting used to it. And I'm still walking the body on the Earth and still interacting but I'm a different body on a different earth even though I'm still here. Very strange...hard to talk about it. So, Mashubi,indeed I am resonating to a big infusion of Light and I wanted you to know I am FEELING IT!

Love, Sydney

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Oct 18, 2009
by: Mashubi

Dearest Sydney, thank you so much for sharing! May this new infusion bring you many continued blessings.

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