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ME - I think this is an ascension process

by Michelle

I was diagnosed with ME 11 years ago, but feel that I have had ME since I was a child in varying forms.

My personal opinion is that ME is the ascension process and since the birth of my indigo child in 1998 I have had fortnightly phases of either intense active energy or relapses where I feel emotions coming up to be healed and that my body is tired due to the purification.

I would be interested to know what you think about Me.

thank you and angel blessings.

Michelle Fielding

Comments for ME - I think this is an ascension process

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Oct 27, 2013
ME Ascension
by: Zophia

I also have had ME since very young,lifelong.56 yrs.I didn't know why I felt the pain, weakness etc.. until I learned of the condition around the age of 34. I have only recently made the discovery of the similarity to light body ascension symptoms.This changes the perspective of the incapacitating suffering, at least there is a purpose for it all!I do understand the difficulty dealing with the deep impact of the malaise, the frustrating struggle with dysfunction and unrelenting pain.I have experienced pain and a multitude of disturbing symptoms to some degree every day of my life! The days of improved function are treasured and I dance with joy! But that isn't a regular or reliable occurrence.People in good health have no comprehension of the effort it takes to participate in life or to even manage the very basic survival needs. It is exhausting and overwhelming at times. Transcend to purity!

Dec 21, 2012
CFS/Fibro began at 2000
by: Paul

I started suffering from CFS & Fibro in the year 2000. I am just beginning to research and learn about the ideas concerning waves of light and ascension.

Looking back over the last 12 years, I have to say this is starting to make a lot of sense to me. Yes, the thyroid is almost always involved in CFS/Fibro (as well as the adrenal gland) and it is interesting to note that the glands are very important in their role with connecting the physical and light bodies.

Certainly CFS/Fibro can be seen also as a purification process as well. Medications, toxins of any kind that have accumulated in the body are no longer tolerated and the body shuts down to initiate a call for cleansing and healing in the light of the new energies bathing our planet.


Apr 22, 2011
by: Fay

Just wanted to mention that there seems to be some consistency in when this all started for many people. My earliest (then much more minor) fibromyalgia-type symptoms began around 1999-2000. Elsewhere someone mentioned the/her ascension process beginning around 1999 (with the start of the eigth wave...) Now it looks like many are saying the same thing- that it's been about 10 years for them. Around the same time, I became a vegan and started doing yoga (not to try and 'treat' myself- twas an unrelated impulse, at least on conscious levels.) I very much want to believe that this incredibly difficult and debilitating condition is part a process of purification... and given so many timing-related correlations and all the other psychic and energetic phenomena experienced in the midst of it, there seems more than enough evidence... Still, I fear to hope, as i find myself in what looks like a regressed phase at the moment (intolerant of nearly all stimuli as well as other people's energies, the inside of my head in utter chaos, bodily havoc...) Ultimately though, I feel the change in energies too strongly to treat any of this as unrelated. I do my best to stay out of the way of the process but my mind and body both basically have a life of their own...

With much love,

Dec 08, 2009
fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue
by: Anonymous

hi there - just wanted to comment that quite often a low thyroid is behind fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue. the blood tests that are currently used to detect low thyroid are pretty much useless. If you could somehow find a Dr. that would be willing to try you on some desiccated thyroid, but you will need a fairly high dose = 180 mg at least - your symptoms should go away. Best of luck.

Sep 19, 2009
ME, CFS, Fibromyalgia
by: Sydney Lynn Lok

I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia which is another name for ME. I truly feel the symptoms are ascension symptoms. Debilitating Fatigue, Brain Fog, balance problems, depression, digestive problems, sleep disorder, painful muscles, flu-like symptoms, headaches, anxiety etc.

So, dear Michelle, I'm on the same page!

I have remembered an ancient, core yoga movement which connects you to the Higher Wisdom and Healing of the Higher Self and helps traverse the Ascension. And it helps with these symptoms.
It is called The Dance of the Golden Bow. I write about it on my website and have The Dance DvD available on my website. There is also a free meditation available there. Sending you many light hearted HUGS!

Sydney Lynn Lok

Sep 19, 2009
Symptoms and Light
by: Mashubi

Thank you so much Michelle for sharing. Yes, whether a physical problem is medically diagnosed or not, its onset can be related to the expansion of light. If your child is carrying a higher vibration of light, their birth may have activated a healing process in your body. This article here on Symptoms Without a Diagnosis - The New Language of Energy talks about the effects of light on the body, which can be considered whether or not the symptoms have been diagnosed.

I am not familiar with ME, can you share what this is? Thank you so much.

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