Recent Shift is More Intense
by Elle
Healing Orbs in Sedona, AZ
Wow, things have drastically changed since Dec.31st! I have written about "work" being done on me in the past 2 pages that I've posted, but it's intensified with the New Year. I went into a period of hibernation the first week of Jan. and slept for approx. 60 hours straight. Only waking up for 20 min. at a time to eat a bowl of cereal and maybe go to the restroom. I was asleep for most of the 60 hours but every time I'd wake up, I'd feel "them" working on me. During this time I had periods of being in a "void" where I felt like I was floating in pure nothingness that would last for about 5 seconds at a time. A day after this period was over, I was filled up with a subtle gentle energy (neither hot nor cold) that entered through the root chakra and was joined by an energy entering the bottom of my feet. The two energies combined and slowly moved upward eventually stopping at my crown, and that was it...No Kundalini heat, no "pop" sensation at the crown, no pain, no bliss, just...that was it...It took about 3 hours to complete.
So now since "that" happened, I have noticed a change my way of thinking, I am suddenly more forgiving, I just "understand" things better, and I am extremely peaceful. BUT... I also feel that an intelligent energy is living within me. That's the only way I can explain it. I feel the work being done on me about 3 times a day now while fully awake. But now I feel that it's not coming from a separate outside source, I feel like it's coming from within. That it resides within me. And now when I do Reiki, I feel the energy working "with" me.
It may sound scary to the 3D mind and people may be quick to worry about this, but in my Heart, I know that this experience was just merging with my Divine self. And I've read lots of blogs lately about having to give up control and surrender to this process, so it's perfect timing to find those blogs during this point in this experience. It gives me reassurance.
I found a website that had a channel message describing my hibernation, merging with the soul self and surrendering to it, it describes the pulling on my skin which feels like I'm "morphing" in and out of existence on a cellular level, my experience of going into a "no-time" void of nothingness and it also explains other things going on at this time. Very informative, I'm SO THANKFUL for finding it and highly recommend reading it.
Well, I hope this description of my recent experience will help others ease through the transition. This part is very intense and tests your trust quite a bit. It's been difficult for me to go through this and not have knowledge of anyone else experiencing this at this time. It tends to make me feel a little more uneasy when I don't read about it first. So here you go, I hope it helps!
Love you all,