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the weird part about my story is that my sister whom i'm very attatched to, my 6 year old son and i have all been experiencing exactly the same symptoms over the past month and a half. it started with mild cold and hay fever.we've adopted a kitten since january so we thought we may be allergic to him even tho my sister doesn't live with us. the symptoms just worsened during this time but we somehow knew it wasnt the normal cold and refused to visit the doctor. eventually we realised we had no option but to be treated by a doctor cos we just weren't healing. my son unfortunately had to be hospitalised cos he had picked up several infections during this time and had severe fever which just wouldn't subside. all 3 of us have also had ear infections, my sons and mine being the worse, severely blocked with fluid build up. even after antibiotics we are still experiencing a mild continuous cold.last night i just picked up a channeled message from Kryon and read about light body symptoms, my sis and i have also been seeing moths continuously and after reading about moth totem animals everything ties perfectly and makes so much sense. i've also been noticing some hectic mood changes with my husband, he's like a time bomb waiting to explode. altho i try really hard not to let him get to me, he sometimes injures my spirit so badly. i have done a course in quantum healing and am planning to open up my own healing sanctuary but i feel like i need to do lots of healing on my self first before i can heal others. anyone with advice or info, please help.

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Mar 24, 2010
Earth Intuitives
by: Syd

These souls clear negativity from The Earth Mother through their own bodies. They are Earth Ascension vehicles. We need not hold onto these energies and let them flow through and out of us with a loving, compassionate detachment. This should also be your energy attitude towards your husband as those connected to you get agitated at this time of the Earth Changes. I feel that you, your sister and son form a sacred trinity for your area. Just be like the Waterfall so that these energies effect you minimally. I downloaded an ancient yoga from my soul group in 2007 and it helps me not hold onto the dualistic energies falling away from our experience now.
I offer it on my website for all who resonate.


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