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so many questions???

by Rachel Bourgeois
(Baton Rouge, LA)

Hello to you all,

Over the past year and a half I have experienced so many mental and physical changes. In the beginning I assumed it was anxiety due to maybe hormonal changes or stress at work ( I am self-employed) but over time I began to wonder if it wasn't something deeper. As I starting reading and digging around the internet for answers I came across this idea of a new lightbody forming for some people. All of the symptoms listed had pertained to me and I began to realize that I might be going through the same process. Here is a list of what I am mostly dealing with...

1. sleeping as been all off especially around a full moon.
2. heaviness in my chest often feeling like it's hard to catch a breath.
3. sometimes feelings of indigestion, around my solar plexus area.
4. Headaches!! Which are constant and no amount of Excedrin has completely helped.
5. Crazy dreams
6. Sometimes thoughts just running around in my head and they don't seem to be my own.
7. Sometimes feeling very fearful or overwhelmed.

If anyone has had these experiences and have moved to the next level...please, please, I would love to know what I need to do to let go of any blockages. I have started to meditate but I do believe that I am at the very beginning stages. I am ready to let go of my old self and evolve....

Much Love and Light, Rachel

Comments for so many questions???

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Sep 16, 2010
crazy dreams
by: Havah-Leah

Dear Rachel,

I have the crazy dreams too (look at the thread about 'inner trembling'to read my story. so you are not alone!) I have a feeling it has to do with hidden emotions that come up while sleeping, or with having been too involved with other people's feelings or drama. Do not watch tv before you go to sleep or read newspapers (but you're probably not doing that.) There must be flower essences dealing with cray dreams and nightmares.

shalom (peace) from Jerusalem,

Mar 02, 2010
by: Sally

HI! Yes, sometimes the kundalini moves blocks and head pain is intense. I get lightwork done.
Also, taking chlorophyll for toxins and electrolytes can help.

Thoughts may not be your own, in that case wearing the oil, white angelica by Young Living, can help to strengthen your field as well as protection flames or shields etherically.

Full moons are like that..full! cuilmination of the building.

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